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Johnny Appleseed Elementary

Sunday Message - Week of 3/18/24

Hello Johnny Appleseed Families,

I hope your weekend was enjoyable. This week, students in grades 3,4, and 5 will be taking a practice MCAS to test our infrastructure. This is not the real deal, but it provides students with the opportunity to sense what actual testing will look and feel like. Grade 5 will practice on Wednesday. Grade 3 will practice on Thursday, and Grade 4 will practice on Friday. Please make every effort to be sure your child attends school and arrives on time as testing will begin at 8:30 AM.  

This Thursday, March 21st, ROCK YOUR CRAZY SOCKS in honor of World Down Syndrome Day! Please mark your calendars… Friday, March 29th is an early release day. Dismissal will be at 11:30 AM. Please plan accordingly.  

Attendance continues to be a major focus. This past week, we averaged 70 absences a day. This is high, but we are aware of an increase in illnesses. We appreciate everyone who communicates students' absences with us.

Cell Phones and watches reminders: The cell phone policy has not changed. Students who bring cell phones to school will need to keep them in their bags. Students who wear watches with phone capabilities, that misuse them during school time (texting, calling, taking pictures, etc), will be asked to put their watches in their bags. During the school day, any communication home should come from the school. For example, if your child is feeling unwell, he/she should see the nurse. Texting home about this is not our policy. This is also a reminder that the school is not responsible for lost cell phones and watches. Please remind your child/children of these policies. 

Changes in Transportation: Please remember to send in a written note about any changes in transportation for your child. We will not release a child to anyone with written consent, even if they are listed as an approved contact. If someone different comes to dismiss a child without written permission, you will be called. Again, this is about student safety! 

Arrivals/Dismissals: This continues to be an issue in the front lot. Staff will be present this week to redirect families to the church. Drop off in the front is for buses and families with handicapped placards ONLY. Please help us with this. It is about student and staff safety. 

LATE ARRIVALS: If your child is coming in late to school, they must be escorted into the building by a parent or guardian. Do not drop your child off at the door and leave. This is for safety reasons. We appreciate your help with this. 


It is essential that students in grades 3, 4, and 5 are present for state mandated testing. 

MCAS Dates: 

April 2, 3 (3rd grade ELA); April 4, 5 (4th grade ELA); April 9, 10 (5th grade ELA) 

May 7, 8 (3rd grade MATH); May 9, 10 (5th grade MATH); May 14, 15 (4th grade MATH)

May 16, 17 (5th grade SCIENCE) 

INSTAGRAM: If you want to see all the happenings at JA, follow our new instagram page: @JASCHOOL845

PTO News:

ROCK YOUR CRAZY SOCKS! March 21st - World Down Syndrome Day

Tuesday, April 9th: K-1 Bingo Night 


Wednesday, March 13: Professional Development Day

Thursday, March 21: World Down Syndrome Day - Rock Your Funky Socks

Friday, March 29: Early Release Day - Dismissal is at 11:30 AM. 

April 15 - 19: Spring Break - NO School


Have a wonderful week ahead!


Principal Tapply 


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