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Leominster High School

LHS Update Feb 2

Principal's Update 2/2/24

Early Release February 7

Students will be dismissed at 10:45 on Wednesday, February 7 for staff professional development.

Dismissals from school

We have had a sudden increase in students being picked up by parents during the school day without going through the school office. When this happens we lose accountability of your student and don’t know if they are skipping, have left school without permission, or something worse.

I absolutely need families to go through the main office or the nurse’s office to dismiss a student. We also need you to come in and show an ID to dismiss a student (unless you send your student in with a dismissal note). If your student is sick they should go to the nurse to get dismissed.

We try to make this process as quick as possible but we need to ensure students are accounted for. Remember, if you know you will be dismissing your student you can send them in with a note and you won’t need to come in or call the school to dismiss them.

Graduation. Seriously, Seniors, order your cap and gown!

There are still a lot of students who have not stopped by the office to verify the spelling of their name for their diploma. It feels like it is a long way off but graduation will be here before you know it and it takes time to prepare diplomas! Check in with your senior to make sure they have verified their name with the office.

Graduation is quickly approaching! One of the first things your student must do is order their cap and gown.  The link has been provided below.  DEADLINE HAS BEEN EXTENDED BUT OVER 100 SENIORS HAVE STILL NOT ORDERED THEIR CAP AND GOWN!

You will notice there is more than one option to choose from.  For graduation you need the basic; cap, gown and tassel (essential package).  Any additional items are optional. 

Security Updates

In an effort to keep students and staff safe at LHS we are completing two upgrades to our entrances. The first is a revamp to the vestibule that will result in less access to the building. Parents will be able to drop off items for students and have students dismissed without going into the office. I’ll let you know when the new system is fully in place.

We are also purchasing a set of portable weapon detectors, similar to the ones you see at Gillette. They are programed to detect the shape of a weapon, not just metal detectors. We will use them for big events such as games and occasionally at school (especially if there has been a report that someone has made threats) in order to deter any person from trying to bring a knife or firearm into school. 

As always my priority is the safety of your student. We won’t make the school into a prison or an army base, but we want to take the steps we need to in this crazy world.

Overseas Trips

LHS students are going to Europe in Summer 2027 (and Puerto Rico in 2025)! We’re excited to tell you more about the trip we’re planning with EF Tours, our educational travel partner. Please be sure to register for this info session to be considered for this opportunity:

When students travel, they expand their knowledge of the world around them, discover more about themselves, and grow more confident. These skills are critical for creating the global citizens of tomorrow, and we would love to have your student join us on this adventure.

In this info session, we’ll talk about:

·  How this opportunity will benefit your student

·  What we’ll see and do on our trip

·  Everything that’s included in this experience

·  How your child can earn academic credit

·  How we’re keeping this safe and affordable

·  How to enroll on this trip (before it fills up!) during EF’s risk-free enrollment period

There are limited spots on this trip, so we would love to have you attend this meeting to learn more about this exciting opportunity!

There is also still space on the 2025 trip to Puerto Rico! Tour enrollment page:

Ms. Grimes and Mr. Barnaby

MCAS Countdown!

The six days your student takes the MCAS are the six most important days of a student’s entire K-12 experience. Passing the MCAS is a requirement to get a diploma in Massachusetts. Students take the ELA MCAS in March of Grade 10, the Math MCAS in May of Grade 10, and the Biology MCAS in June of the year they take Biology, usually Grade 9.

MCAS is coming up fast. The ELA MCAS is in 52 days (not school days, calendar days!) The Math MCAS is in 114 days, and the Biology MCAS is in 122 days.


School Schedule next week: Shop Week B

Monday: Day 6

Tuesday:   Day 7

Wednesday: Day 1 (Early Dismissal)

Thursday: Day 2
Friday: Day 3


Next Week’s Athletic Schedule



After School Tutoring Center

LHS offers drop-in afterschool tutoring from 2:15 to 4:00 on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Students can also be assigned to attend sessions if parents feel they need to catch up or get extra help. Spanish and/or Portuguese interpreters are available on particular days.


Google Classroom is now open with scholarships uploaded! Join the google classroom for scholarships. Check back often as new scholarships will be posted as they become available.

Copy the link below and paste it into your browser:

When prompted use Class code: 2grufkm

Calling in a student absent

If your student is going to be absent please call the school at 978-534-7715. The absence line is option 1.

If you get an auto-call that your student is marked as absent and you think they are at school, don’t panic. Sometimes they accidentally get marked absent (especially with a sub) and sometimes they do cut class. Call the school and we will confirm they are not here.

Student Dismissals

If you need to dismiss your student you can send them to school with a note to bring to the office when they get to school. Your student will receive a pass to be dismissed and can just check out at the office when it is time for them to go. You won’t need to come into the school and it’s much faster than coming in to dismiss your student.


Joshua Romano


School Instagram at lhsbluedevilnation


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