Good Day, Sky View Family.
As messages have been a bit sporadic of late, today is a good day to get back on track with our Weekly Updates:
Our Virtual Club Fair was sent out over a week ago. Click the link to check out all the clubs being offered this fall:
Most of these clubs will be starting in the next week or two, so check out the ones you want and contact the Teacher(s) listed.
Please remember that Clubs occur after school and students will need to arrange for their own ride home.
Fliers for each club are available outside of the door to the Main Office, including Portugues versions (pink paper) and Spanish versions (yellow paper).
We have an Early Release Day scheduled for this Wednesday, October 18. Both breakfast and a bag lunch will be served during the day. Dismissal will begin at 10:50am that day.
From our SEPAC (Special Education Parent Advisory Committee):
Click the link below for the flier for this year's Basic Rights Workshop. This year's workshop deals with transition planning and provides an overview of the transition planning process for youth with disabilities ages 14-22 on IEPs.
Please share with anyone who may benefit from this free workshop. All attendees are required to register by using the link in the flier. Feel free to reach out with any questions.
SEPAC Transition Planning Flyer 2023.pdf
Calendar items:
Monday, October 16 - STEM Week begins!
Thursday, October 17, 6-8 pm - SEPAC Basic Rights Virtual Workshop.
Wednesday, October 18 - Early Release Day (dismissal at 10:50 am)
Wednesday, October 25, 5:30-7:30 pm - Karaoke Night at Sky View!
Thursday, October 26, 5:00-7:00 pm - Grade 6 Costume Dance at Sky View!
Monday, October 30 - Picture Retake Day
Tuesday, October 31 - Halloween: school appropriate costumes permitted
Friday, November 3 - Term 1 Grades Close