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Sky View Middle School

LOTS of information!

Good day, Sky View Family.

  We have a LOT of information to give you with this message.  Please read it all so you know all the great things happening this week/weekend:


The Student Leadership Council’s Pancake Breakfast is back!! 

Saturday, February 10, right here in the Sky View Cafeteria.

8:30 am - 12:00 pm.  

Choose your seating time:  9:00 am, 10:00 am and 11:00 am

Tickets on sale starting this week at lunch - $7/ticket.  Or, just click the link:

Students can buy multiple tickets for family members during lunches

Entertainment by the Sky View Jazz Band!

Raffles for fantastic prize baskets! - Raffle tickets can be bought online using this link!


Sky View SWAG Shop, presented by our wonderful PTO (Parent Teacher Organization):

The store is open now - merchandise will be shipped mid-March. Order online with the link below:


The 100th Day of School Contest!  

Students are asked to decorate a t-shirt or a sweatshirt at home to wear on the 100th Day, which is tomorrow, Wednesday, February 7!

All City Chorus performance:

Tomorrow, Wednesday, February 7, 6:00-7:30 at Leominster High School

Choral performances from all Leominster schools:  elementary right through high school!

Sky View Hawks Basketball versus Samoset Wildcats at Leominster High School

The final basketball games of the season are traditionally played against our cross-city rivals, Samoset, at the high school.

Students must be accompanied by an adult who remains at the games.

4:00pm for the Boys Team; 5:15pm for the Girls Team

A.L.I.C.E. Drill

Our next A.L.I.C.E. Drill will be this Friday, February 9, at 12:30pm.

The video your children viewed back in the fall is linked below.  In this video, they refer to the “ABC Protocol,” instead of A.L.I.C.E., but the message is the same:  evacuation is always your goal, but be prepared to lockdown if evacuation is not a safe option.

Active Threat Plan for High School

There is nothing you or your children need to do in order to prepare for the drill, but we do hope you discuss the video with your students over the next few days.  Before every A.L.I.C.E. drill, we notify families, students and staff ahead of time in an effort to minimize any anxious feelings.  During these drills, there will not be anyone in the building playing the role of an unwelcome intruder, but we may have a small police presence on hand to help us grade the school’s performance.


Calendar Items:

Wednesday, February 7 - 100th Day of School Shirt Contest!!

Wednesday, February 7 - Early Release Day, dismissal at 10:50 am

Wednesday, February 7, 6-7:30 pm - All City Chorus concert at LHS

Thursday, February 8, 4-6 pm - Basketball: Sky View v. Samoset at LHS

Friday, February 9, 12:30pm - ALICE Drill for students and staff.

Saturday, February 10, 8:30 - 12:00 - Pancake Breakfast @Sky View!

Monday, February 12, 5:30-6:30 pm - Sky View School Council meeting

February Break - No School:  2/19/24 - 2/23/24!




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